Students lead their inquiry. Students set the pace. One topic over many years. One hour per week. Students develop a level of expertise unlike anything else they have an opportunity to learn about in schools. Begin with students at any time. Intrigued?

A Brief Introduction to Learning in Depth (LiD)

(Source: LiD Website).

“Learning in Depth”, or LiD, is a simple though radical innovation in curriculum and instruction designed to ensure that all students become experts about something during their school years. Each child is given a particular topic to learn about through her or his whole school career, in addition to the usual curriculum, and builds a personal portfolio on the topic. To the surprise of many, children usually take to the program with great enthusiasm, and within a few months LiD begins to transform their experience as learners. The program usually takes about an hour a week, with the students working outside school time increasingly.

This post shares an article about LiD in the Globe&Mail from 2015.  Hear from LiD teachers on imaginED.  (Want that inquiry to take an eco-spin? Check out LiD IEE–Learning in Depth study that aligns with Imaginative Ecological Education.)

Here’s glimpse of one school’s journey:

Introducing our LiD Coordinator

Cecily Heras

Cecily Heras

Cecily is a graduate student, researcher, and educator.